Membership Benefits
- Flexible sponsorship dollars
- Exclusive membership customization
- First right of refusal for all DOP sponsorship opportunities
- VIP reserved seating at DOP Golden Brick Awards and State of Downtown
- Invitations to key stakeholder events
- Exclusive member discounts to DOP events
- Five admissions to Happy Hour
- Unlimited attendees for First Friday Networking Coffee
- Host a Downtown Business Forum, monthly networking event, and/or DOP board meeting
- ConnectDTO member rate
- Company website listing with logo and hyperlink on DOP homepage
- Prominent logo placement on DOP printed and digital collateral
- Angel Sponsorship (select a non-profit or business for a complimentary annual Connect membership)
- Recognition at DOP’s signature events
- Personal introduction to key stakeholders
- Two annual member features in a dedicated email and LinkedIn post
- Host a ribbon cutting ceremony
- Panel representation at a Downtown Business Forum or a session of ConnectDTO
- Company listing by member level and industry (up to three) with hyperlinks on DOP website
- Promote events on DOP online calendar
- Post job listings on DOP website
- DOP newsletter subscription
- Quarterly new members announcement
- Newsletter feature with hyperlink (unlimited)
- Social media promotion (unlimited)
- Receive “Proud Member of DOP” logo for use on company website and/or email signature
- Board of Directors priority consideration
- Opportunity to serve on advisory committees
- Access to Member Directory
- DOPERKS (deals for DOP members)
- First right of refusal for all DOP sponsorship opportunities
- Reserved seating at Golden Brick Awards
- Invitations to key stakeholder events
- Exclusive member discounts to DOP events
- Four admissions to monthly Happy Hour
- Unlimited attendees for monthly First Friday Networking Coffee
- Host a Downtown Business Forum, monthly networking event, and/or DOP board meeting
- ConnectDTO member rate
- Company website listing with logo and hyperlink on DOP homepage
- Prominent logo placement on DOP printed and digital collateral
- Angel Sponsorship (select a non-profit or business for a complimentary annual Connect membership)
- Recognition at DOP’s signature events
- Personal introductions to key stakeholders
- Annual member feature in dedicated email and LinkedIn
- Host a ribbon cutting ceremony
- Panel representation at a Downtown Business Forum or a session of ConnectDTO
- Company listing by member level and industry (up to three) with hyperlinks on DOP website
- Promote events on DOP online calendar
- Post job listings on DOP website
- DOP newsletter subscription
- Quarterly new members announcement
- Newsletter feature with hyperlink (unlimited)
- Social media promotion (unlimited)
- Receive “Proud Member of DOP” logo for use on company website and/or email signature
- Board of Directors priority consideration
- Opportunity to serve on advisory committees
- Access to Member Directory
- DOPERKS (deals for DOP members)
- Invitations to key stakeholder events
- Exclusive member discounts to DOP events
- Three admissions to monthly Happy Hour
- Unlimited attendees for monthly First Friday Networking Coffee
- Host a Downtown Business Forum monthly networking event, and/or DOP board meeting
- ConnectDTO member rate
- Company website listing with logo and hyperlink on DOP website
- Personal introductions to key stakeholders
- Annual member feature in dedicated email and LinkedIn post
- Host a ribbon cutting ceremony Panel representation at a Downtown Business Forum or a session of ConnectDTO
- Company listing by member level and industry (two) with hyperlinks on DOP website
- Promote events on DOP online calendar
- Post job listings on DOP website
- DOP newsletter subscription
- Quarterly new members announcement
- Newsletter feature with hyperlink (unlimited)
- Social media promotion (unlimited)
- Receive “Proud Member of DOP” logo for use on company website and/or email signature
- Board consideration
- Opportunity to serve on advisory committees
- Access to Member Directory DOPERKS (deals for DOP members)
- Exclusive member discounts to DOP events
- Two admissions to monthly Happy Hour
- Unlimited attendees for monthly First Friday Networking Coffee
- Host a Downtown Business Forum and/or monthly networking event
- ConnectDTO member rate
- Annual member feature in dedicated email and LinkedIn post
- Host a ribbon cutting ceremony
- Panel representation at a Downtown Business Forum or a session of ConnectDTO
- Company listing by member level and industry (one) with hyperlinks on DOP website
- Promote events on DOP online calendar
- Post job listings on DOP website
- DOP newsletter subscription
- Quarterly new members announcement
- Newsletter feature with hyperlink (monthly)
- Social media promotion (monthly)
- Receive “Proud Member of DOP” logo for use on company website and/or email signature
- Opportunity to serve on advisory committees
- Access to Member Directory
- DOPERKS (deals for DOP members)
- Exclusive member discounts to DOP events
- One admission to monthly Happy Hour
- Unlimited attendees for monthly First Friday Networking Coffee
- ConnectDTO member rate
- Company listing by member level and industry (one) with hyperlinks on DOP website
- Promote events on DOP online calendar
- Post job listings on DOP website
- DOP newsletter subscription
- Newsletter feature with hyperlink (quarterly)
- Quarterly new members announcement
- Social media promotion (quarterly)
- Receive “Proud Member of DOP” logo for use on company website and/or email signature
- Access to Member Directory
- DOPERKS (deals for DOP members)